Monday, December 5, 2011


Today I finished reading this book. Cover to cover. BOM, D&C, Pearl of Great Price and all. Today I hit the Index page and felt an overwhelmed and surprised that I finally did it. Started in about April I think, but really got going in May.
Since this is my personal blog I will tell you that this is the first occurance of this happening in my life.

I might not be the bishop's daughter.
I might not be the relief society president.
I might not have served a mission when I was 21.
I might not be married at 18 right out of high school and be popping out children and doing crafts on pinterest. (but I do enjoy pinterest, let's be honest)
I might not be this or that stereotype that we are told is supposed to be a certain type of lds woman.

But I did finish it today. And I am a daughter of my heavenly father, who is imperfect, but demanding improvement of herself daily, hourly, and will NEVER GIVE UP. And to me I know that that is good enough for Him that sent me here.

This book gave me comfort when I was inconsolable.
It gave me peace at a time when nothing made sense.
It gave me a testimony of the love of my Father when I had no one else.
It gave me happiness when there was no further emotion that was from me.
It rescued me and gives me strength everyday to keep pushing forward.
I'm so grateful for this book, and even though I may seem a bit behind, I know for me it came at the best possible time in my life.
& I know without a doubt it can bring this kind of happiness to anyone who seeks it out to read it.

I'm excited for further study.
Here's to first nephi tomorrow.

And Preach My Gospel in between.
and The Miracle of Forgiveness.

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