Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I feel slightly unpleasant.

I am starting to accept that some things in life just aren't meant to be.

All I know is I wish I had the master copy of my life plan so I didn't have to spend so much time planning and then have things not work out the way I was planning!

So folks, looks like Switzerland it is..
cue big heavy sigh..
Wow, how ungrateful does that sound...

tomorrow I'll make sure this is what is right, I'll keep you posted.

Whine whine whine boo hoo hoo. bahh jokes. It's fine, just a little bummed is all.

Bah. Trust Chelsea, trust.

fine fine, the bishop gets his way. But there is one thing I will not do, and that is date losers.
I just wont do it and you can't make me


that's all. Now to go make gingerbread houses to get in the Christmas spirit.

Merry Christmas friendships!

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