Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rainy days make the best days.

On this day of rainy-ness, I went to the temple, came home & took a way too long shower that was totally overdue and enjoyed every single drop of delicious hot water, snuggled up in my giant cardigan, ate a delish tomato sandwich -from my garden, ithankyou- and fully intend to draw and relax until I have to go to work tonight.

Sometimes rainy days are exactly what you need. Jumbling wire projects, monogram designs, time periods Hatshepsut reigned, and then remembering to ask if the man who ordered a 20 ounce steak would like it with sauteed onions and mushrooms, sometimes makes a girl a little.. flat by the end of the day. 

So yes, today I am relaxing and doing things I love. Like catching up on blogs and music and getting excited for fall & fall clothes. Yay for pulling out my slouchy beanies and tights from the cold weather clothes storage bin! 

Small sidenote: ordered my first pair of oxfords 2 days ago from urban and I am stoked to wear them this fall errrday. - dont look at me like that, I was 1 dollar away from getting free shipping from ordering my backpack (necessity!) and it just so happened that nothing else really caught my eye.. 19 dollars later I am excited to get them in the mail. judge not and ye shall not be judged. 

madewell fall

j crew fall

I have a deep love for lines that incorporate bright color no matter what the season, especially J Crew. 

Also, I realized today that I think I worry too much. Shocker. After about 3 days of having a semi crisis as to the direction of my life & what is next, I sat down to read my scripts yesterday morn and came upon this: 

Section 31

11 Go your way whithersoever I will, and it shall be given you by the aComforter what you shall do and whither you shall go.

Seriously? Do you ever feel like the scriptures are straight up direction manuals for your life that follow along with events and correspond directly to what would be best to help you at that specific time? 

me neither.
 It's so tender to me that the Lord knows and lifts even our silly littlest of worries and burdens. I have had so many experiences with this and it causes me to feel so grateful for the knowledge of the Gospel and have a great desire to share it cuz I don't know how I would get along without it.

Happy Lazy Rainy Saturday to all.

"Cruel" by St. Vincent by Kisses & Noise

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