Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's about time..

Today. Is. A. Good. Day.

It has pretty much been ten years since spring break started.

Note to self: never, I repeat never, stay home for a whole week by myself & turn down time with people I love. It's creepy & unpleasant.

One more day till my roommates get back & rescue me from my own paranoia.
Tonight my dearest comes home. I have a sneaky suspicion he will be zombie-like and probably super out of it tired, but I'm not complaining!

Time is a funny thing.
It can teach you things that you would have never known without it.
By it just passing, it matures you, it makes life kick you in the butt and show you things you feel like you should have known from the beginning. About almost everything you thought you knew..

Time = experience. & I am grateful for that. Even when you just want a certain time to be over. Time makes us unspoiled and humble. Because no matter how important you think you are time never makes exceptions for anyone. (Even if you go through it the whole time kicking & screaming)

Me & time have been pretty close these past couple of days. It has made me aware & cleared my cluttered mind of things I was unaware of in a time before. I'm thankful for this time me & time have had, we had a great time. (hah! see what I did there? sometimes I think I'm funny..)

Anyways more importantly this time is almost over & I am singing praise to that!! Call me a hypocrit but I can be an impatient, instant gratification demanding american with the best of them, even with my newly gained respect of time. :)

The jig is up.
Jokes over.
It's been great & all but,
Come home.
This instant.
Safe Travels everyone.

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