It's so weird to me that this year is almost over. Holy heck.
I would say that this year I have changed the most, grown a lot, learned a lot, felt a lot of joy and a lot of not so much joy and then felt even more joy then I had before.
I entered this year thinking I would probably settle down, go to school, and be normal.
(its like I don't even know who I was thinking about! My life is impossibly not normal & that's why I love it)
I am leaving this year: single(ish :) ), Going back to school, deciding not to serve a mission for now (who would've even thought about that, then??), traveling more that I ever have in one year, even though I haven't left the country it has been wonderful, and with more roommates and friends then I could have even imagined this time last January. I have had more experiences that have made me a better person, and closer to the spirit then I could have imagined would ever happen. for example
1. Getting robbed in Vegas
2. Learning to play my guitar better
3. Seeing some of my favorite bands in concert (matisyahu, modest mouse, the weepies, girl talk)
4. Meeting the prophet Thomas S Monson
5. Seeing my friends finally from two years
6. Being at my best friend's wedding
7. Learning new tricks (slacklining, holga-ing, preach my gospeling, cooking, wakeboarding)
8. Great music discoveries - The delta saints, the black keys, angus & julia stone, sigur ros, daft punk..
9. Meeting & living with great people this summer and fall. aka my roommates, their friends, their friends friends..This summer was probably my best yet & I jsut love our little family at the Rickity.
10. Read lots and lots of great books this year - the perks of being a wall flower, the alchemist, the picture of dorian grey, & others..
This year one of my biggest new years resolutions was to travel. & even though it wasn't to far off places, I actually really got around. :)
1. Colorado
2. Vegas
3. California
4. Hawaii
5. Jackson Hole
6. Havasupai
7. Vegas, again
8. Bear Lake
& the next two weeks:
9. Oregon (!!!!!)
10 Vegas, yet again.
All these except Jackson & Vegas were new places to me. New adventures & new scenery to admire and photograph. Here's to next year leaving the country and traveling, learning, & growing even more, please!
Till then, Merry Merry Christmas to all!!!
sounds like a fun year!