Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'd Rather be Repulsive, but Thanks.

Beginning Sidenote: Once upon a time I went to jackson these passed three days. & guess what!
I saw a baby bear!! I holga'd the crap out of him & jackson hole for that matter, but then in true Babbitt fashion, I forgot my multi colored joy in my friends backpack. There goes my whole summer...
just kidding..
kind of..

Anyways, recently I have become aware that I am not perfect looking...

Shocker. (!!)

I am not what society tells women they should look like. & most people aren't.
But this is it, I realized that if I was, I would have a complete and udder shizzy boring life. I will elaborate because it is my blog, and I can ramble here. Great!

I don't have (perfect skin)
I have freckles, sunburns, and blemishes because I have spent thousands of hours under the wonderful hot sun and enjoying the company with the ones I love. Sometimes my face isn't clean because I am too tired to wash it from having too much fun that day & I just crash.

I don't have (perfect legs)
They have scars, cuts, scrapes and bruises almost always. These are from discovering the trail less traveled, falling off my scooter when racing down a giant hill or trying to keep up with my gang that jumps off curbs, sliding down thousands of slides, and climbing huge mountains. If I had perfect legs, I would probably be a very very boring person with no stories of adventures and no prospects for future adventures in fear of a scratch to ruin all my hard work of keeping perfect legs. (barf)

I am not (perfectly toned)
I like food. Hate me for it.
Also, I have other interests then how much weight I want to lose or how many carbs I need to avoid, like what books I want to read next or the next camera I want to learn more about. I don't spend all my time obsessing over my weight, starving myself, and running till my body is what is considered a perfect size/proportion. Yes I try to be healthy, stay active, & run as much as possible, but I know just by living my life to the fullest like I try to do, there will not be room for a substantial amount of extra weight on my bones, and I'm okay with that. I am an avid believer in being healthy and active and support those who want to be that way but really, eating four raisons at dinner is a bit much.

I don't have (perfectly polished fingernails/manicure)
You can't climb with them. You can't be outside or else the color will fade. You cant do one thing fun with them except look polished and pretty (which is great for special occasions by all means) but really, your not going to live it up because of a little lacquer on your nails? Come on! Secretly, I love seeing my chipped nail polish and uneven lengths because it usually means that I conquered a seemingly impossible rock wall and left a little peice of it to make sure it remembers who climbed who.

I don't have (perfectly pouffed hair)
Let the wind have it's way with it! It usually is curly out of control, sun bleached in random places from many hot days spent in the sun, and damaged from chlorine, lake water, river water, dirt from backcountry trails, and worn from many days of pony tails to keep it out of my face while I am having too much fun to worry about what it's doing. Who cares if you come into a room with perfect hair if you have nothing interesting to say? zZzZzZzZ

I realized all these beauty flaws are because a real person does not get ready to sit in a plastic bubble.
Hair goes flat, legs get prickley, and blemishes turn up, but it is the journey of these flaws is what's really important. Obviously, there ARE some days that these things are VERY important like wedding days, interviewing for a new job, or a hot date night. But this is it, in the past I realized I too have become victim of letting these things become way too important in my daily living which is a crying freaking shame.
If you feel like this, like you aren't perfect, or are less then decent looking some days please remember that you have a life, and you live it, and that is one bajilion times more important and interesting than taking a pretty picture or being the most put together girl in the room with nothing to talk about and nothing to offer when asked about your life. Girls worry about looks too much sometimes, when we should be enjoying the time we have here to be sucking every adventure & knowledge out of life we can! I vow here and now to keep an eye out for this and CTR when spontaneously challenged to jump in the water or to put the top down and let the wind and sun warm my face and mess up my hair & I challenge you to try the same and see how much more fun and passion you get out of life! Just something I was thinking about.. nbd. 'Till next time!


  1. Hi. Ummm...this is why we're friends.
    & also why my girl crush on you grows with every passing day.
    You. Are. One. Amazing. Cookie. Peter.

  2. This is fantastic! I agree with it ALL! p.s. I creep your blog too.

  3. babbitt! this is why i have always loved you! you are so strong and such an inspiration :) i miss your freaking guts, and the beautiful light that radiates from you!

  4. so true. seriously, if i forget to shave for 4 days or 2 weeks, whats the big deal? ha.
