Saturday, June 12, 2010

If You Try to Hold Me Back I Might Explode

Went on my first REAL shoot today..

Once upon a time I got what some might call a baby internship with two REAL working photographers.

Yeah, it's kinda a big deal to me :)

I was so excited when they said I could tag along on their shoots to learn and help them with their equipment and such! I figured it wouldn't be all the time, cuz I mean these are pros they don't have time for us little pee on beginners right? Wrong! Can I just say that there are people in the world still that are giving of their time when they don't necessarily need to be. Which is incredibly refreshing. These people are so kind to answer all my 11455 questions and show me the little tricks of the trade.

Today I learned about aperture, shutter speed, different lenses & their uses, lighting techniques, remote control flashes & the menu items of Smokin' Blues BBQ.

Yep. We shot a lot of mouthwatering smoked meats and southern dishes, I'm guessing for the menu's or just advertisement. Pretty sure it was amazing, but next time I am definately bringing a pen and paper! So much to learn, it leaves me wishing to be a kitchen sponge, so I could soak it ALL in. Love every minute of it, and Monday they want to shoot me and my friends! So I'm pretty excited about that too! Kinda nervous to be on the other side of the lens but it should be pretty sweet and artsy so I'm excited to get some friendship pictures.

Girl Talk, Modest Mouse, Beirut, Matisyahu, all in a matter of weeks. I am already anticipating & excited for a grand time with my buddy Mr. Bury. Now only if I could get my hands on some Regina, Ingrid, or Missy love...(in a completely platonic way.. ha) Hopefully some country is in store as well, we shall see!

Ask & you shall receive. In ways that usually make you say in the end, Oh my thank you!! I really dodged a bullet. I am realizing this with every passing day.

I've been playing my guitar A LOT more. It's so nice how music can comfort you in weird ways. I can actually play songs now.. so it's a little bit fulfilling having baby calluses :)

Also, this week has been so crazy and filled with zero sleep and more fun then a girl should be allowed to have, it's made me remember a little something I kinda forgot about myself..

Sometimes.... I can't be Tamed.



  1. Chels congrats! that sounds so cool, im jealous! put up the pictures so i can see them!

  2. Chelsea Babbitt... you are a brilliant person, and I adore you. That is all.
