Monday, June 14, 2010

Friendship Shoot

Once upon a time I have this internship with Aya Photography & SDesigns Photography here in Logan. Mr. Levi Sim teaches a couple of photo classes, and needed models, so I volunteered me and my friends! It was serisouly THE funnest day, and am now convinced we all would win ANTM hands down. These are some of my favorites by Heather Waegner for Aya Photography.

Hi, This one is probably one of my very favorites and one of the first ones she did. This is my beautiful roommate Rhianna, ehem I mean Lauren aka CHunCHie.
She turns 21 today, and what glorious time it is. I am so thankful for her in my life, she is an amazing person and one of the most real girls I have ever met. She brings light into my life everyday & is freaking hilarious. HAPPY BIRDDAY CHUNCH!

It's amazing when you go to sleep at night and realize that your life is everything you ever wanted it to be.

Thanks to everyone who made this possible and participated! Love you girls so much and you are all so beautiful inside & out. Love my gorgeous, wonderful, amazing girls! (That includes the ones who couldn't make it too)


  1. Oh my gosh!!!
    My friends are the most beautiful people in the whole world, I know it!! BAH! I love these...! :D
    Seriously... can't get over it.

  2. ummm hi... these are fabulous! YOu all look STUNNING!
