Friday, February 12, 2010

Also This.

Lately I have found myself saying "also this" when beginning sentences. It is almost bugging me that I am addicted to saying it but it always comes out. Probbly spawned from my great friend Cassidy.

Lately, it has came back to my attention that, in life happiness is not just found, it is a choice. An attitude to be determined to find the best in things, which I have tried to make conciouse effort to do recently. Here are some things I have found just make this easy for me.

I loved taking this. Remember these days? So many funny stories were told on walks like these.

I freaking love my dad. He is so legit it is insane. Also, I get too see him next weekend before he goes to Iraq. Yuss!

I want this back in my life. Love love love drawing. Excited to start focusing more on this passion.

Can we talk about it? Love, please.


I love weird return missionaries. They are so awkward and stay very long after they are not welcomed anymore. They say the weirdest/funniest things, & want so bad for some reason to make sure you know that they are now one hundred percent socially retarded. It is always a situation in which you ask yourself, "Who is this kid & what made you this way?" YESSSSS!! Possibly one of my most favorite things is to be a witness to this weird transformation. Oh my gosh, I can't handle it. So Great.

Even when things seems bleak, somethings you just have to recognize as blessings. Love you. Peace & Blessings.

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