Monday, May 28, 2012

Fear Monsters

This is life.

You sit around and complain that you want to do more with your life and you don't know if you will ever be able to. You know, get married, graduate college, get your dream job, live in a bigger town, or travel to exotic places. These things are the things that you look forward to all the boring days you live your same Uneventful life day in and day out.

then life throws you a sweet card and you have an adventure on the horizon. You plan plan plan and it's the day before you leave. Then all the sudden,


the questions you never thought about before slowly start to creep in with their sneaky little evils ways and ruin the excitement of the adventure.

What if the plane crashes and I die?!
What if I crash my car on the way to the airport and I end up being in the hospital bed and wasting all that money?
What if I get robbed when I'm there and have to eat the scraps that fall on the ground in the market?
What if I have no where to sleep cuz I can't find my hostel and end up sleeping at the train station with one eye open for the bum who keeps walking passed me like a vulture waiting for its prey to give up the ghost so he can feast.
What if I slip and fall and break my ankle and have to wear a cast that makes me unable to get on the train without help and have to ask someone every time to help me in broken French and all they do is ignore me because I have an American accent and I miss connecting flights because of it!!!!???

Welcome friends to the terrible little things my brain does to me. I'm suppose to be excited right? Not scared so bad that staying home in my normal house like I have the passed 3 years sounds heavenly. This is supposed to be the most exciting thing I have ever done, but honestly I am terrified.

But I guess that's what makes people grow. I want to grow and learn from this trip in a way I couldn't do any other way then getting ignored in the train station when I'm lost. I guess what ever happens is just what I asked for and what I really want in the end. So here goes nothing. Tomorrow morning I'm going to get on that plane and be terrified the entire time. But heaven knows I will be greatful for the robbings, and being lost and not speaking French because those uncomfortable things in life end up making you who you are in the end. Yikes, Wish me good luck, I will need it!

9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

1 comment:

  1. Chels! Don't let those things scare you! That's what the adventure is about! Lots of times things don't go right when you are traveling, but just take them in stride, don't worry about it, and just know that those sometimes scary things or sometimes super sucky things are the days you will have the fondest memories of and grow the most from. Have so much fun!! Love you!
