Monday, February 28, 2011

We Need Your Help!!

Once upon a time I attended a meeting Sunday that told me I was about to start working on a big project. I am excited to tell you about it.

This project is simply this. These next couple of weeks you will see boxes at the institute building & at your church building in Logan. This is for the One Missionary At a Time project. OLAAT(One Life At a Time) is a non profit program that helps members from Central America who have the desire to serve a mission, but are denied/unable because they don't have the money to buy the necessary required materials to even be considered for receiving a mission call. These are simple things like suits, shoes, skirts, blouses, luggage, & the financial means of getting shots & dental work done.

These young adults, our age, are being denied the opportunity to serve the Lord & bring his people to the gospel because their families cannot afford these simple things!!!

I know what you are thinking, have the church pay for it, that's what I pay tithing for, & why cant their ward buy those things for them?
On average these people are making $1.80 an hour.
Their ward budgets are a little different then ours.
Their tithing & fast offerings are a little different then ours.
Their missionary funds are a little different then ours.
Their lives are a little different then ours, but that doesn't mean that when you or I have the spiritual confirmation that we should serve a mission that it is any different from theirs.

Can you imagine feeling like it is your duty to serve a mission for the Lord & his children & not being able to because of your financial status?

but guess what..

As previously stated, donation boxes are in the institute building & at your church buildings or you can even bring it/send it to my house (456 N. 600 E Logan UT 84321) & I will make sure it is donated if you
A. cant find the boxes or
B. don't want to lug all of it to campus.

Bring any skirts you don't wear, shoes that sit in your closet or any mission appropriate clothing that you could help them with! Even that extra set of sheets that sit at your parents house in the hall closet or that roller luggage from the 80's your mom keeps "just in case."
Every little bit can help them!

They're calling for:
Suits 42 - 44 regular
Shirts - S, M, L
Shoes - 8, 9, 10
Luggage - Roller bags
Skirts - S, M L
Ties - Conservative
Belts - size 32 & 34
Socks - Black
Nice slacks - sizes 28, 30, 32
Winter Coats
Bed Sheets (twin size)

OLAAT is a program started by member who saw a need & acted on it. They not only help missionaries but have built 3 schools in Central America to help educate the people of Nicaragua & Honduras, enabling them to help THEMSELVES live better lives and have a better future. For more information find their group on facebook by typing in One Life At a Time or go to

OLAAT has now helped over 784 missionaries to be able to get their call & serve the Lord. Just think of all the lives that have been blessed because of it! Here are some of those missionaries.

Thanks so much for your help guys & please spread the word so we can help as many of our fellow young adults as we can!

This service effort is being organized by the Logan Institute of Religion and OLAAT. They will be accepting donations now until April 22 on which day there will be a Friday night activity at the institute where donations will also be accepted.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thanks to You II

I am reposting an old post.


I feel that it is a good way to catch ya'll up, even though it was written a while ago.

So please enjoy if you desire a good original post/poem courtesy of yours truly.

suNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2010 <<<---yep!

Thanks to You.

Sometimes I think I say the complete wrong things at the complete wrong times.
Then I think about it and say, Chels! why on earth are you talking?! Like I think of the worst things to say at the moments where they matter most. I don't even think I could come up with worse lines then the ones I say off the top of my head haha. The only way I can get it out is if I write, because for me, I can take the time to say what I really was meaning without all the nervous flusters causing my tongue to unconsciously sabotage itself. This is it.

I can remember when I first saw you
It seemed an ordinary sunny day in my lazy apartment
I thought it was just another face
The one was gone, and it was still stinging my eyes and haunting my dreams at the time
I didn't know what you were yet

You passed by me like the warm summer wind
In and out of my hair, bringing a small comfort that couldn't be named
But for some reason when you feel it around, you remember that it is wonderful

I never saw it happening but then it was there more apparent then a speck on the lens
I was trying to get into focus and backed off an edge
I thought I would fall to my death as usual, but then only to float
I try to let the helium escape but the buoyancy is ever present.
You would think it would fade and sink like all the rest
For some reason it is still there, as much as I know it is mostly unimportant to anyone else, it continues to float.

You may say pathetic, you may hope for a pointy object to put it out of its ever floating life
but I tell you here and now
I'm glad it is dodging branches and swaying around telephone poles
It's amazing because through it I come know things that I once doubted
I know now it was not all my fault.
I know that becasue of you, there is better out there waiting for me
I know that I can find it and it will be what I really want, and not half or kind of.
You made me see that just by being you.
which I can never thank enough
can never describe how much it raises me
and can never really say it.

so know that when the sun shines on you I will be happy for you
because you pulled the blinds back when I just wished to be alone in the dimness
you let the sun in when I did not even recognize I was sitting in darkness
you showed me to the window to see that I was just in a little house and it didn't have to hold me in anymore.
You took me outside to smell the blossoms and feel the pointy grass blades under my toes and to recognize the suns rays on my skin again.
you reminded me that I love, when I forgot how to care.
you made me feel happy, after a long time of feeling nothing at all.
So even if I am not anything more then a friend & errand runner to you, you removed the blindfold that I made for myself
and that means more to me then anything else I could ask for.

So, thanks I guess is what I am saying.
Thanks for your help
Thanks for your kindness
Thanks for your friendship
Thanks for showing me that I am worth all that I was told I wasn't.
Thanks for helping bring back all that had been beaten out of me.

You will always have a special place in my heart, just for being you.
Because you are wonderful.

This still applies to this day, maybe even more so.
Except may I add,
Thanks for laughing at my lame jokes & semi making me believe you enjoy them
Thank you for making me feel like the luckiest girl in the room.
Thanks for the little thoughtful things you do everyday,
cuz they are what mean the most to me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day.

I am Happy.

I hope you are happy too on this day.

Wishing you all happiness.

Because honestly I can't stop smiling.

So smile for me today that I might blend in.

Thanks & have a lovely kind of day.

Love You.

Roomies - You are loved. Remember that especially today.
Friends - You are thought of & adored.
NY friends - You are missed & thought of daily.
Blog browsers/stalkers - Creeps. Enjoy & have a happy day anyway.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The Lords timing is so funny.
A year ago this week was the beginning of one of the biggest learning times of my life so far.
& now because of that time I feel like I have come literally full circle through it.
I've learned so many things that I never want to forget because this has been such a huge growing time for me.

I learned that happiness comes from living the gospel, doing the things that YOU love, & trying to be the best person you can be on a daily/hourly basis.
I learned A LOT about myself, who I am & who I want to be. Because of this I discovered a lot of characteristics that are important to me & what I want in a future life companion.
Furthermore, I've learned that I am okay to be by myself for now. Because I know where I want to be in my life & in my future & I wont settle for less then that.
I learned that Heavenly Father will ALWAYS be there for me & will shower blessings upon me as long as I continue to do my very best to persevere in trying to do what is right.
I've learned that I am capable of doing anything & everything.
I've learned that when you look at situations from a logical perspective & have an eternal outlook you know whatever happens in life is eventually for the best.
I'm simply giving props to My Father for the many things he has taught me in this particularly trying year. I'm sure this next year will have its fair share but I know the Lord taught me these things to take with me as to make each day a little easier then the one before.
It's all in His time.
I'm excited to meet new people & be able to accept everyones differences a little better then I would have before.
I'm excited to play my guitar for my roommates & not be too scared.
(kinda still working on everyone else)
I'm excited to take on the world & know that I have nothing in my way.
I'm excited to live fully, & breathe life in deep.
& love every minute of it.
Anyways enough rambling.
Moral of the story - The only true way to live is to follow the Lords guidance & live to feel really alive! not for anyone else, for each moment, to suck all the joy out of life you can get.
Cheers to the future & all its unknown awaiting adventures.

Soundtrack of my weekend.
(click on the arrow on the right of the player to download)
Courtesy of ricky bob's iphone talents.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Another Valentines..

& a break up a week before.

I might be cursed to be alone on this day forever.
(since this is the 2nd year in a row I have broken up the week before Valentines)
Should I be worried?

Hey, maybe this means I will meet & the prophet again on Valentines Day like last year too then.

For the record, I'm gonna be okay. I know this in part because of him ^^

Ps. Why celebrate Love one day when you can celebrate friendship 365 days??
riddle me that consumer driven public.
hate me for being bitter for a bit
hate me for it
all of you engaged/married lovers, this holiday is for you & only you.
You're lucky to have them, so friggen show it this month.

Because the only thing I'm going to be showing love for is this

peace you love drunk fools.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Winter makes Chelsea a Hermit.

It's butt freezing.
According to AccuWeather on my phone, I walked home in 4 degree weather today.
(In shorts even cuz I had to go straight to a group meeting after work.)
& when I walk to school tomorrow morning I will be walking in -1.
That's right, a projected -1 at 9 am.
It's easy for me to say that I am quickly re-discovering my hatred for Logan, UT.

No purchase February is going strong.
1 Week Strong Baby!!
4 more to go..
I know, thanks, it is a huge deal.

Also, call me a grandma/behind the times, but I just discovered the website
& I have never wanted to shop at DI (or floral Harem pants) more then when I look at this.
YES! I love people's creativity!
It makes the world such an interesting place.
But I will hold out don't worry, I will most likely just need to wear my coat everywhere this month anyways..

As for other recent news.
I don't know what I am going to do this summer.
I have been bouncing around some ideas but nothing set in stone until I know if I am going to go to school or not.. making choices with life is hard, even if it is only for a couple of months. I hate not knowing what to do with it or what choices are going to lead me in the right direction.. I stress sometimes...

At work today we were talking about summer plans & such. It made me miss summer & it's adventures it gave me. We got on the subject of Jackson & how great it is. It really made me miss camping & rafting Jackson Hole. I miss being able to actually enjoy the outdoors. I forgot how pretty it was until I found these on my compute.

That's me & the Bury kicking it by the fire summer '09 in Jackson.
(Holga courtesy of Amanda, please. )

This was the perfect lighting. Tetons & the river. Can't get any better.

Also this - The Cost of Being Free by Joy Whitlock
so great. take a listen. & click on the smile to download. is so great right???

Well, I need to draw my pants off for my homework tonight so I must stop procrastinating it & get crackin! I guess for now I will have to deal with not knowing my future & trusting it will all work out for the best as long as I search it out in prayer. That is honestly the most comforting thing of all & I'm so blessed to know what I do.. I honestly don't know how people live & make hard choices without the knowledge of the gospel! We are a truly blessed people & we don't even realize how much probably.

Welp, Keep warm friends, march will be here before we know it... :)