It's butt freezing.
According to AccuWeather on my phone, I walked home in 4 degree weather today.
(In shorts even cuz I had to go straight to a group meeting after work.)
& when I walk to school tomorrow morning I will be walking in -1.
That's right, a projected -1 at 9 am.
It's easy for me to say that I am quickly re-discovering my hatred for Logan, UT.
No purchase February is going strong.
1 Week Strong Baby!!
4 more to go..
I know, thanks, it is a huge deal.
Also, call me a grandma/behind the times, but I just discovered the website
& I have never wanted to shop at DI (or floral Harem pants) more then when I look at this.
YES! I love people's creativity!
It makes the world such an interesting place.
But I will hold out don't worry, I will most likely just need to wear my coat everywhere this month anyways..
As for other recent news.
I don't know what I am going to do this summer.
I have been bouncing around some ideas but nothing set in stone until I know if I am going to go to school or not.. making choices with life is hard, even if it is only for a couple of months. I hate not knowing what to do with it or what choices are going to lead me in the right direction.. I stress sometimes...
At work today we were talking about summer plans & such. It made me miss summer & it's adventures it gave me. We got on the subject of Jackson & how great it is. It really made me miss camping & rafting Jackson Hole. I miss being able to actually enjoy the outdoors. I forgot how pretty it was until I found these on my compute.

That's me & the Bury kicking it by the fire summer '09 in Jackson.
(Holga courtesy of Amanda, please. )
This was the perfect lighting. Tetons & the river. Can't get any better.
Also this - The Cost of Being Free by Joy Whitlock
so great. take a listen. & click on the smile to download. is so great right???
Well, I need to draw my pants off for my homework tonight so I must stop procrastinating it & get crackin! I guess for now I will have to deal with not knowing my future & trusting it will all work out for the best as long as I search it out in prayer. That is honestly the most comforting thing of all & I'm so blessed to know what I do.. I honestly don't know how people live & make hard choices without the knowledge of the gospel! We are a truly blessed people & we don't even realize how much probably.
Welp, Keep warm friends, march will be here before we know it... :)
can we just have book club already though?