Friday, September 9, 2011

Wilhelm Staehle

Once upon a time I got absorbed in the orb of nothingness called Pinterest
you know when you take a break from doing what you need to be doing and then forget the things you should be doing altogether until ten minutes later you snap back into reality and say WHAT THE FLIP! I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO AND I AM SITTING HERE LOOKING UP INTERIOR DECORATING IDEAS FOR A LIVING ROOM & A HOUSE I DON'T EVEN HAVE! yep, that's how it went down. 

Anyways, as earlier stated I was on pinterest and I came across these wonderful prints below. They are from a collection called Silhouette Masterpiece Theatre & are so witty and hilarious I just had to share. You have to understand something though to know my love for these. When I was a little girl some of my fondest memories was watching Masterpeice Theatre with my moms till late sunday nights. This was one of the only times she would let me stay up past bedtime. I loved the way all the ladies wore pretty dresses and how all the gentlemen talked to the ladies, even though I never really understood what they said cuz to me they spoke a different language and more than twice in a minute I would turn & ask my mom what they were saying and what was happening, which I'm sure was a really fun time for her. 

Anyways, please do enjoy them for a minute. They made me happier than a little girl staying up passed her bedtime.

to view more & purchase go here. 

& the happiest of weekends to you indeed my friends! 

Junk of the Heart (Happy) -THE KOOKS by masshimaro

1 comment:

  1. should I be doing homework.. yes.. am I love and now pinning this art.. you bet!
