Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another day, another life changing lesson.

All I want to do today is sit in the temple and listen.

Is it weird that all I wanted to do yesterday was read my scriptures? 

Don't people joke about staying home to read their scriptures? 

I made myself go to FHE yesterday upon the advice of the bishop, and I'm so happy the Holy Ghost prompted me to do so that morning too, as hard as caring about being social and awkward it is right now, it was hard at first but it got better and I sortof had fun and felt better. 

I've learned through this time that I need to listen and heed to the Holy Ghost's somewhat uncomfortable directions, as weird and scary as they may be. 

Because they are the things I really need to do even if I don't understand them and they are the last things I want to do.  

And so the learning continues. 
Add one more to the many things that I learned now that will benefit my entire life from this time forward. 

Today the direction of the day is to go to the temple. One day at a time, His voice is easier to recognize, and His tender mercies more frequent and evident. I am getting stronger, wiser, and closer to the Lord and the knowledge of what I need to do to get me where he wants me to be. 

Today he told me He was pleased with me. I would go through it all over again 10 times because of that.

I am feeling like this will not last forever, and I feel a growing peace that everyday I have faith and do his will,  is a day closer to a better tomorrow.

My challege for you today is to heed the uncomfortable promptings of the Holy Ghost in your life and record how you were blessed for it after. It changes your perspective and your willingness to do his will because I know it has changed mine. 

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