Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A few of my favorite things..

So it came onto the Cache Valley Mall shelves on Monday. Is it heaven in a bottle? Understatement. Can you only get it Oct & Nov because it sells out so quickly? Yes. Did I happen to get the last body lotion last year in all of Boise stores? Yes. (I might have gone to three stores) Will I buy an absurd amount this friday after work? YES!! I am beyond excited! YUM!

It really is sad how much joy these little guys bring me. If you only knew, you would probably say, "chels babe, maybe you should try a new hobby or something..." but even the little mask is the cutest thing! Love seasonal cookies. YUM!

Another like you. Itunes it, youtube it, pandora it, whatevs. Just get it in your ears. It's a cute one.

Not so favorite things:
getting addicted to the OC today and wishing I was married to Seth Cohen all over like I was 17 again.
Seeing myself on the toilet posted to Lori's Blog. (Note to self, blackmail pics are not a joke to Lori, she will use them without mercy, therefore must crush any opportunity for them. the end)
But, life goes on I guess. :) My life is great, I love Elder Packer, and I can't wait till I get thrown a friggen bone one day. Oh, and did I mention I love my roommates and our new Puppy? pics to come of him I am sure of it.

Count your blessings & tie together all the little joys that bring your life happiness! Even if they are just little guys like puppies, cookies and yummy lotion!


  1. im sorry babs... i just had to.. you were just precious on the pot, and we bonded that day. I had a convo with you while in the bathroom, just accept that it brought us closer:D

  2. i need some of that lotion before it's gone! sajfrelfjraeiowfgmioreajojgolegf

  3. and what the freak i want to come see this puppy before i leave for home tonight

  4. Dear Chels,
    This post brings back fantastic memories of roommateship. I might add that you should blog about your love for pomegranates this time of year. I just love you BABKINS!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Um....I messed up on my first comment. But Chelsea lady we need to be friends. I can't describe to you how much I love this post. Those pillsbury holiday cookies are my favorite. I could probably eat the whole package in one sitting....just sayin. You are awesome. I love this. Lets hang out and eat cookies. Plan? Plan.

  7. when you get a bone, can you find me one as well?

    p.s. lets make those cookies.

  8. Lori, I forgive you because there is nothing I can do about it, but revenge is a bi keep in mind.
    amanda please, come se my puppy when you get back asap! He is the cutest.
    Shan, I love pomegranates. Already planning a post about it and I love you.
    Ashley! I need more of you in my life. Cookie night soon!
    Nat, I hope you got one, but not to worry i'm sure i will buy more next time I'm at the store. Still no bushels or bones throne my way so lets eat our feelings with them. great!
