Thursday, September 9, 2010

Birthday Friendshipz

Once upon a time there were two best friends. They were brought together by fate and have been through the ups and downs of going on opposite missions, returning to live in Pineview, and numerous loose women that came and went. Since then they have matured into fine men, ditched their crazy women and settled into a wonderful marriage and living up the single life. This post is to honor these great friends fore today is BOTH their 24th birthdays!!

Really though, I love them both like the brothers I never had. Pretty sure they are some of the best guys I have ever met and I'm so blessed to be able to witness their example of righteous preisthood holding in my daily life. Monica is the best and whoever is to be Matt's wife in the near future is going to be beyond lucky! Deep love for these boyz & hope they have a kicking 24th year of life!