Saturday, May 29, 2010


So not a lot of people know this but I love Jane Austen. Always have since I was a little girl and my mom let me stay up on Sunday nights and watch PBS with her. Books, movies, I just like it cuz it is moral and I don't have to worry about skipping over parts or fast forwarding through crap. You could say I'm a big fan.
I just finished her book Persuasion, & it was great. It was an entertaining story and it made me really pay attention because her books arent easy reads with the old english way of speaking and writing. I highly reccomend it to anyone who likes a good CLEAN love story :)
although I must admit it was a little unrealistic but hey isn't that why we like em?
Also this, a week ago I went to the Logan Library and tried to look for some good reads for the summer and I couldnt really think of any. If you have suggestions I would love to hear em!
Next up on my reading list is the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (once started, but never finished) but I'm guessing that it will be a quick one (one quick one..) so I might just keep going and have a complete works of C.S. Lewis party this summer. woop get crazy!
PS. Hawaii was amazing, blog about when I get more time!
PPS. I miss my rommates & my home. Love when you walk into your apt and feel the spirit dwells there because the people you live with are amazing! Can't wait to be home with them and operate on tvs and be back to the fishbowl!


  1. Babs! im obsessed with Jane Austen. Her novels and stories are so realistic to what we go through today. (boy wise) And i always wish i could just dress like them and for it to be socially acceptable. haha

    Roommates. Friendship. love you!

  2. I know! Please its straight up how people should be still! haha so I just love you more if that's possible. Roomateship!! miss you!
