Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fast Forward

My best friend Margot is married! & I was a bridesmaid for the first time! She was so incredibly beautiful ( In true Margot fashion of course) but this time it was like her beauty.. caught on fire. Yea, you heard me, on fire! Her hubby just.. made her glow! Have you ever seen it? It happens, rarely. Anyways, pretty much the most gorgeous couple I have seen. It was bittersweet. I have a deep love for margret like a soul sister but I am so excited for her because even though I met her hubby on her actual wedding day, he was radiating kindness, and made everything about her radiate happiness like no one I've ever seen her with befor. I know they will be happy for forever. weird, but I do, everyone felt it.

After Margot's wedding, I had the privilege to have the company of Meggie's Fam to stay at their abode and pretty sure I have a deep love for her family now. (my favorite is Linky though, how he beings me so much joy. and Cami, hahah yes. & Meggie & Amber & Her Mom! ..but I just love little slinky.) He is 8 months? or 7? I forgot which photo shoot he has had last :) Also pretty sure I slept the best I have in ages, such a comfy bed I got! It really was a great time. Then we went to nanny at Megan's new job with the family. Can we talk about Madeline? Pretty much THE cutest little giggly girl I have ever met. So adorable. I can't handle it. I miss her!

Then it came to Ivan & Monica' s wedding. You can tell they were meant for each other by the way they cut the cake and fed each other. It was kinda like watching mild UFC. just kidding. But yeah pretty sure they could not have found a better partner in life. Good, Better & Best is proven with them, definitely picked the bEst option. I have a deep love for them both and Am so happy that they are happy and married now!!

So really with this weekend full of marriage and babies, what do you expect me to have on my mind? .. here it goes. I am about to make a confession that will cause my mother to call me the second she reads this and perhaps might move her to tears.

I, Chelsea Babbitt, feel like, maybe, I want to be married.
AHHHH What? Who is saying this? What has come over me? Who am I?
No really.
I want eternity with someone who makes me glow inside & out.
I want a life with my very best companion like monica & ivan.
& I don't want anything less.
I want someday in the farther future to have a little cuddle bug like Madeline.
Who giggles at everything and helps me sort laundry, even though I have to sort it all again after :)

It was a good weekend. Do you ever feel like you grow up in fast forward motion sometimes in a matter of days? Maybe not in entirely just those days, but its like you start way back having the thoughts, and then certain events in just their right times confirm those thoughts, and then turn them into desires? Outside sources influence your life more then they even know ha so, thanks everyone this weekend who reminded me that letting go of things & growing up isn't the end of your life, it's just the beginning of so many great blessings in store for you. I am so glad to have so many great examples around me this weekend. That's all. Hope everyone had a great weekend & are loving this crazy tea cup ride we call life.


  1. Hi! Oh how I love when you talk marriage. Can't wait for the day I come to your wedding!! :)

  2. I adore this post. That's some deep thinkin' goin' on in that cranium of yours, Miss Babbitt.

    You are an absolutely beautiful person! For real though!! :)

