Saturday, December 19, 2009

All the Thrills of an Extreme Sport with the Satisfaction of a Well-Pressed Shirt.

Once upon a time I heard about this strange and intriguing sport, and of course went straight to the all knowing source of Google to look it up more. Google magic my friends. It sounded a little absurd, yet upon further researching, I now have an unquenchable desire to drop out of school and pursue a life full of this activity. I have officially found my calling for this summer. What is my new passion in life you ask?


Yes, it is legit. Too Legit, WAY too legit my friends! Now, please feast your eyes at the following displays of my new life dream and try not to hate your life too much after realizing that you haven't been doing this sooner.

^^^^There's even a calender!! Um, pretty sure I have never had one item move so quickly to the top of my christmas list in all of the history of christmas lists.

Bye education, I have a ton of chores to catch up on!


  1. CHELSEA!!!! oh my gosh.. i love this so bad! We need to order that calendar for our house next year! pahahahah!
