Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Patience is Hard.

There comes a point in life where you have to realize you did everything you could.
And the only thing left to do is have faith that the Lord will work everything out for the best.

Every day, every minute, & every second, you have to have faith in this. To avoid being swallowed up in sadness and regret.

Throughout being subjected to everyone's unwanted advice and unthoughful prodding, their unwarranted thoughts as to what they think is going to happen, and to tell you what to think and how to act, there comes a point where nothing can be done, no words can be said to fix it, no one really knows what will happen, and nothing can make you feel better.

With exception only of the knowledge of this,

The Lord's time is ALWAYS the perfect time. 

The things that are happening in your life right now are MEANT to happen.  They are all happening in the perfect time for you, for optimal growth and learning. 

You are in the perfect place in your life to handle them, you are in the exact position that the Lord needs you to be. 

Because his plan for you is PERFECT, no matter how you feel. 

The only thing left to do is just keep going. You have to push through it all, and submit your will to Him so one day you can be delivered out of this, when you have passed through it and been molded into the person he wants & knows you to be.

Because one day, He will hug you and say good job, I'm proud of you, you did it, and you did it well.

And you will then be thankful for all the things that brought you there, no matter what.

But for now you have to trust. It's all you can do. You can fight it and make it a hundred times harder or you can submit that He knows what is best for you, and you can trust that and make it a hundred times easier.

It's not going to be easy by all means, but it wouldn't make you who he knows you can be if it was. You would still be a spoiled brat if life was easy, and you would die a spoiled wrinkly brat and all this would be for nothing.

So trust this moment. Trust the Lord and push through this situation no matter how hard. Push through, asking the Lord for help along the way. Trust and have faith, and one day you will wake up and realize that it was for your good and you wont feel like an idiot for fighting Him all the way. (You know the feeling).

Today I remembered this, and it has been a better day ever since. Here's to that day when I wake up and understand this and am eternally grateful for this time. Until then, I pray for patience, strength, long suffering, and gratitude for this day, today.

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