The day was a Tuesday.
Jan. 11 to be exact.
(the first day of school! it was weird let's be honest.
definitely an adjustment to get back to balancing work & school
but I'm sure i'll pick it up again in no time)
Jeremiah James got us tickets to see Dashboard
Or Chris Carrabba acoustically
(but who really needs the whole band anyways?)
in SLC for my bday present.
Our ignorant minds thought we should hit up Zupas for a little meal before we hit up urban (!!) & then the show.
I, Chelsea Babbitt am one of the biggest fans of Zupas btw, so you know for me to choose something else must mean that I am even more just in what I am about to share with you!
Just then a heaven sent revelation (if you will) came upon JJ's mind & we chose the road less traveled.. to Belgium!
We stumbled upon this teensy place
after he saw it on the travel channels Man vs. Food & wanted to try it out.
It is honestly that small. Theres about 7 chairs total in the restaurant at best.. Cozy & wonderful.
When we got there the original store owner was there! Straight outta Brugge, Belgium folks. He was friendly and answered our culture questions, it made the experience of trying his grandmothers recipes that much more exciting!
When we asked him what to order he said The Machine Gun for sure, and this other dish consisting of Frites (the most delicious fries I've honestly ever had) with a Belgium Beef stew on top. Sooooo delicious!!
2 Sausages.(under there somewhere)
& Bruge's spiceyish mustardy mayo delicious heavenly sauce.
I cannot even explain to you the seriousness of this.
If you are ever in Slc go here if you know whats good for you and try this.
It is the self actualization of sandwiches.
Trust me.
& If I may be so blunt..
That's all.
Anyways, after the food was the show.
I've never sat at the top of the venue but it is great!
Yay for being 21, now 22 even!
The show was great, Lady Danville opened for them & they were really good!!
See my latest obsession of theirs here called Kids (MGMT cover). ps. I love this website, way better then pandora!
Anyways, Chris was as nerdy sexy as ever.
It was a great flashback to my high school years, loving screaming infidelities & all.
you remember that right?
It was a relief to see the music has lived on for younger generations as well to blast in their cars & sing their hearts out to like I used to do back in the day.. of about 2006.. haha
What a 1/11/11 celebration it was!
Here's to 11/11/11!!
Hopefully with a machine gun sandwich!
Isn't that place heavenly!!! I went there a few weeks ago. And I am in love with it! Chels I love your blog, and your boy is so cute! Hooray!