Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Can Sleep When I'm Dead.

Once upon a time there was two weeks left of school. I had all my projects & homework planned out to do probably on the last day possible like I always do them. I have this one final for Natural Disasters class, and then it's smooth sailing till my close friends two weddings the weekend of the beginning of summer!!

(Hi, I just said the beginning of summer, yeah it's finally happening, my dreams from freezing my A off all winter are coming true, its a glorious feeling!!)

Anyways, so every things going pretty smooth & one day Paul Jones comes to me and says, "Babbitt! We're doing a river trip in Colorado, you have to come! It's the week of finals, but you only have one so you should try and get out of it!" So of course my mind says no Chels, don't even. You know how college is, and no teacher in their right mind is going to let you get out of anything. School is first priority, can you make this even work? You don't have money to do this, it's the last week of school, Then I said, "Self, its a river trip, for free, in Colorado, and I would have finals week off..."

Cut to this week. One email later and I have no school next week. My final is on Friday. Yes, this Friday. So this smooth week instantly turned into the busiest week of the entire semester. Here it goes.

- 63 Question Grammar Challenge Quiz due tonight at midnight.
- Final Portfolio for Dress & Humanity due tonight at midnight.
- Editorial paper for English due Tomorrow
- Book Report for Dress & Humanity due Friday morning. (don't worry havent read one thing..)
- Final for Natural Disaster Friday at 2:30.

Not including school I have to:
- Pack the entire contents of everything I own. Since I will be on the river all week I will have no time to pack and be out of my apt the day after I get home.

- Pack weekend bag when I get home from the river trip for two weddings I have that weekend. One of which I am going to be a bridesmaid the next day from when I get home and I am staying in Salt Lake for the other wedding I am going to that Monday.

Hi, you're my best friend, and now you're getting married, and you're adorable and I will miss you. True Love Forever. Oh with him too probably :)

Hi, I have a deep love for both of these people. Oh, just makes me so happy that they found eachother! Marriage!

Back to my to do list,
- Clean my apt for move out checks.
- Find somewhere to store pretty much everything I own for the weekend. I am going to be in between houses so hopefully I wont have to lug everything down to salt lake with me and back.
- Shop & plan for food for the river trip and prep them.
- Buy wedding presents.(What do you get for your best friend when she gets married????)
- Figure out my summer class schedule & meet with my counselor. (Hi, she doesn't give a *&$%)
-Find a summer Job & work it around my summer class schedule

Then after this maddening time, I will get to move into my new apt with two of the greatest friends. So excited for all that is to come these next couple of weeks, but thinking back I will miss this semester and living with great girls only bunks, halls, and balcony's away. Love ship to them. But don't worry, they will only be streets away now so maybe it will do me good to get some exercise in my blood! I will miss you junior year, you were great to me but now I have so many things to look forward to!!

1. Hi, Maui - Yep. I couldn't go this spring break but guess what, my flight is booked for may 23rd FO FREE! My step mom is getting remarried (weird but it makes sense don't worry) and she's taking me and my sister to her wedding. woop! Just got to bring a little spending money in my pocket and call it good! Yes, I do love my life.

2.Optimas is Prime - Once upon a time he got sick. 400$ worth of sick. I decided I HAD to take care of him. Now he is better, and I am poorer. But, it will be worth it. At least that's what I have to keep telling myself. Also this, even though he is better now, I'm still getting a cruiser for the summer, just gotta find a job. woop.

3. Missionaries
- Hi, it's already been two years?!! Ask me if I'm excited to play guitar hero with Bj?
or playing super smash brothers with Landon?

or to visit Betos at 3 am with Cameron, Bj & Mike? or to hear stories about JJ dropping heavy objects on his head and having him fall over laughing again? or to listen to Steve's never ending sound effects and crazy antics about transformers and heroes?
or have Harry help me with my kayaking roll? or just being around funny Hi-I-Just-Got-Home missionaries? I seriously cannot wait for them to be home and to have my friends back!!!!!!!!!!

4. House - Yep. I have a house, and a yard, and a parking lot with no permit required, because it's mine. :) I have a room to paint & furnish however I desire, a kitchen to eat my meals with big windows and a paradise cove to..well.. you get the picture :) Also, my great friends live about 7 houses down. Can we talk about it? Mischief is all I have to say.

5. Major - Don't worry it's only my third year but I finally picked one. Well, art. Not sure about my emphasis. Either education with an emphasis in photo or maybe just photo or maybe something that catches me along the way.. either way, can we shout to the heavens that pretty sure after next semester my life will be fully consumed with art classes only. No more science quizzes, no more gay english grammar challenges, and most importantly no more math assignments. Let's cry together that I actually will enjoy school. Yep. Jesus Loves me very much.

Biggest Lesson of this Year - Heavenly Father will have his will be done. You can either submit your will to his and realize he knows what's best, or you can fight it, go crazy trying to control it, and then submit to his will after haha. Honestly, I'm glad I learned it well, sometimes you think you understand a concept and then you experience it and it ends up slapping you in the face. I'm glad i have a good knowledge of this now however, and will definitely exercise more patience and less arrogance next time I think that I know best. Until the next time I get to sit down, love you all! Future, I'm excited for you and all the adventures to be had! Make way for summer!!

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