Friday, January 2, 2009

Hey It's My First Blog!

Because of this New Year I thought I would post my first blog about the past year and what I've gained from it. Kinda personal but that's what blogging is all about right? Enjoy.

A lot of things have happened to me these past couple of months that seem to have forever changed how I am, it's weird because it seems like that only happens once in a while, when events in your life change you and you learn and grow and then you see life in a different way. It seems like those events just come out of no where and then you are totally changed, weird how that happens. But I've had a lot of things come up lately that have kind of gotten me to take a step back and think about life and how I want to live it. I've learned that happiness is a choice not just something that comes into your life randomly. People always wonder why they aren't happy or how they seem to never find it, but I don't think it is as hard as people make it out to be. Decide to be happy, be determined to find the good things everyday and let go of the things that make you sad and push them in the past and leave it there and I have found that happiness is found before you even can recognize you have found it. One day you realize that all the stupid things that kept you down for so long aren't that important anymore and that you are happy. Not saying that bad things don't happen but if you have a positive attitude then it is much easier to deal with. I know now that if i want to be happy it is up to me and not the people or circumstances around me. 19 years and I'm just learning this but hey better late than never right?
I know that right now my life is exactly what it is supposed to be. I know that I am where I need to be and I am doing what I need to be doing for myself. I look at these people that I used to know and see how they have changed, most for the better but the ones that have kinda gone off the deep end. I feel so much sorrow for them because I have been there and I know how confusing and empty that life is. I lived it for a time and I wish I could do something to help them, but when your in that, it seems like there is no end and your searching for something but you don't realize what it is and you never find it. It's exhausting. I am grateful to have been through the things that I have because now I appreciate my life more than I ever could have if I hadn't have been there.
Logan is such a beautiful place. I meet new people almost everyday and I know that I am where I'm supposed to be. I love it here and even though I'm not that great at school stuff it is helping me learn to do hard things and persevere. I will not give up and I'm getting better about it because I know that if I ever want to give myself and my future family a better life then I had, I have no choice but to work hard now and reap the benefits along with those I love later. I love my life and even though most of my friends have gone and are scattered around the world right now I know even though it is hard for me and that I miss them very much they are doing the right thing and that gives me strength by their example to do whatever has been asked of them.
However, there is one i miss more then them all. It's been hard not to be able to hear very much from this friend of mine. Foreign mail is not that quick and most of the time I wonder if it is even efficiently working or not. I know that my friend is doing what is right, I just wish that time could go faster. It's crazy that just this summer I was saying goodbye and now were so far apart. I don't know how people do it.
As for me I am moving forward with my life and growing and learning to become the best possible person I can be. I still think about this friend but I am living my life to the fullest. If the time comes and we find a way back to our friendship then that quite possibly could be some of the best memories returned to that I could imagine, but if not I know that this friendship has made me a better person for having it in my life at all and for that i will look back on those best memories and be happy that I got to have them in the first place. That time is very far off however and for now I will look to the future with a positive mind, a clear outlook, and a hopeful heart.

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