Monday, August 22, 2011

Where is home now?

Welcome to my new humble abode 

Living room 


living room (in love with this color)

Moving is bittersweet. 

I love my summer room/house. spiders and dead rat smell & all. If these walls could talk it they would tell you that I am leaving a different person then I came.

It's crazy, my new room felt so weird and foreign today as I piled in my stuff. It's super great, but I hate to leave my life here & garden too. My life is here!! I have made my room my home, my security, my peaceful nook to hide away in, do you ever feel like that? & now I'm leaving my home! eeeek

On this floor I began my scripture study habits
This carpet has been worn by my knees & tears while saying the most sincere prayers of my life
I cut through this green shady yard to bring my neighbors cookies when they got dear jane'd and developed a deep love for service
and pushed open the little gate to go to institute on tues/thurs mornings where I learned and heard all the things I needed to at the time
My garden in this backyard saved me from thinking way too much
The front stoop is where I listened to my grandma tell me stories of her grand parents and gain a love for genealogy 
This room is where me and my sister got to share again for the first time in like ten years and really talked like we used to 
This basement is where I had late night talks with my favorite roommates and gained a deep love for them
This kitchen is where me and Ariella talked about the gospel over McDonalds at midnight and she told me she wanted to get baptized
This driveway is where I always bottom out.. k I wont miss that, I hate those stupid pot holes
This street is the street I would drive, ride bikes, walk, to the temple every week from. 
My new house is closer, plus.
This is the giant tree in the backyard that bloomed little yummy smelling pretty white flowers that I would pick and put in the vase in the kitchen 

This is the house that became my sanctuary, and where I grew most in
I know I want to move on, but it's scary to have to start over with new (wonderful) girls in a new place, in a new ward, in a new environment.. I know I'm being silly, it's like 3 minutes away, I just have really grown to love my life here and the spirit that it has with it, but I know moving on is what is needed & deep down wanted. 

But half of me worries, what if I am moving into the wrong house?! In the wrong place at the wrong time and it wont be the same and I will hate it and most importantly it's not where I am supposed to be!?
What do you do when you don't know what the right place is for you? 

Welp, I've got no where else to go. 
So, hopefully the Lord has led me to the right house, in the right time and the right people to share it with. Wish me luck, tomorrow I'm a gonner! 

The Secret Life of Daydreams by leticiaK

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