Saturday, July 23, 2011

First of Many SLC Temple Trips

Did my family temple names yesterday in the SLC temple for the first time. It was an incredible experience.


22 women now have the gift of the Holy Ghost. 
I have never felt so much peace the whole day, it was just really good.  
A big thanks to Chunch for helping me, even 11 names by myself was kinda a lot, so I'm glad I have good girlfriends to help out. 
It was great to see Meggie Poop and Swatalie join us after the Motab Pioneer Day Celebration Concert as well. 
They are so wonderful & the catching up date was well overdue.  

Yesterday was a success to the max.

Now I'm off to finish up my lesson for tomorrow. reeee. I'm nervous, hopefully I can do a good job.
Wish me luck!

ps. It's a great feeling to recognize the changes in yourself are real. That you're really growing and not just feeling and hoping that you are. It's awesome.


  1. Not to sound weird or anything....but the change I see in you literally inspires me every day. I love you babkins.

  2. I love this. Sometimes it is easy to be detached from what you are doing at the temple. However, when you have searched for those names it makes such a big difference.
