Thursday, June 16, 2011


This is my new favorite. I want to do this, but over a place significant to me in my life and shoot it every ten years with me & the people significant to my life at the time. For now I just enjoy the blog.

Also over this passed year I have been introduced to many great photographers through blog stalking and probably my favorite is Matt Clayton's photography. I love his style. 
Clean, & not too messed with but still soft, beautiful, and classic. I wanted to share with you all this picture that made my heart melt today. 

So precious! Please bless I have adorable children one day. 

as if I could have anything less.. I mean really :)

I have been working a lot with film lately and it is giving me so much happiness. 
The anticipation to finish my roll and see how they turn out is killing me! 

But something happened called, the strap on my camera broke and made my Holga drop onto cement and open, so pretty sure the film may be ruined with the light... ree 

But stay tuned, I will def post some if they turn out! 

Happy Summer! 


  1. oh my gosh.. me and my huz just looked at all those dear photograph pics on that blog.. that is amazing. we are so lookin for pics to do that! and i love that other photography blog. his style is superb :)

  2. good luck with the film...i always tape the sides of my holga with black electrical tape because i'm clumsy and definitely have dropped it at least once

  3. yeah no kidding, I love it. Also I should probs tape it too, but my holga is so colorful and pretty duct tape just wouldn't do it justice.
